

We are the experts in the staffing solutions industry. We have professionals on staff now to find the most qualified candidates for your positions. We deploy cutting edge technology and techniques to find you the crème de la crème:
Contingency Search
You give us your job description along with the key details and we will track down the most qualified applicants for your position. There are no up front costs to you the employer, nor to the applicants we represent. Reviewing resumes and interviewing our candidates is 100% free. There is no charge to the employer until an applicant is hired and has started. Under this arrangement, there are no costs unless we deliver. Give us the opportunity to demonstrate our capabilities-we won't let you down.
Retained Search
Allow us to focus all of our attention on completing your project. We'll take the time to personally meet with you so we can fully understand your needs. We'll do a complete market analysis by researching your industry and competitors.
This is ideal if you are trying to keep the opening confidential from internal as well as external eyes & ears. We'll insure the candidates we find are only presented to you without your own employees ever knowing.
Hiring for an exact skill? Why not try before you buy! This offers staffing flexibility where you can get around budget constraints. A great solution if you need to keep permanent headcount down. There's no hassles at the end of the assignment. You can hire for a specific purpose or project. Candidates are normally available immediately. Minimize employer liability, avoid IRS scrutiny from 1099 issues and office politics. Search our contract positions today.
Don't wait - Call us today: 1-610-431-1461
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